Tipps and tricks

drink water - always carry around a bottle, drink at leats 3 liters a day.
green tea - it cleans your digestion.
Do small workouts whenever you can! and count the calories you've burned. do it as a break from studying...
Walk as often as possible, and don't count these calories! it will help you burn more calories than you've initially did!
Dress lightly and freeze a lot, just as let your hair air dry and so on...
Try to be alone when it's time to eat, go to the library for studing instead of home for dinner... just skip every meal possible and start planning your meals and days.
Workouts and fasts will help you get to your goal!
Start a diary where you count your calorie intake and burned calories, write down your feelings and thoughts, or start a blog!
Don't take digestive pills, it'll ruin everything.
Show everyone a happy face and be outgoing! No one will notice how bad you're feeling.
Find someone to talk to and who can help you, maybe another Ana on the web, or a best friend. You can ask me too!
Start going to church or distract yourself with something else to believe in. It will help you stay sane.
Remind you every day what your goal is! Stand up early and get on the scale. Just do it every time you enter your room or bathroom or when you come across a scale!
Start going vegetarian or vegan
Set small goals and treat yourself something useful if you reach it.
Wear something that reminds you of Ana, like a bracelet, ring... Standart is a red bracelet.
A rubber band on your wrist should help you resist snack attacks. Just snap it, if you're hungry. It also helps if you want to cut yourself!
Constantly wear long and baggy clothes. No one will see your scars and noone will see how skinny you got. Be a caterpillar and transform one day!
Start following Pro Ana posts, Thinspo and make your own wall with thinspo in your room, or a folder.
If you have a snack attack or want to give up, look at thinspo or your own process! You can talk to someone who can get you back on track, too! Meanspo is very useful btw...
Eat regulary with your family. As long as they see you eat, they don't suggest a thing. Just don't eat much!
Drink one or two sips of apple cider vinegar before you go to sleep. The effect will wear off, if you take it for too long. Make a break for twoo days a week.
The more you chew, the better for you!
If you have to eat, but you don't want to, drink tea while eating with you parents and spit a few bites into the mug! And put aways your mug yourself!
Burn at least the double amount of kcal you ate!

this post will get updates!


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